Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello again!  I am excited to share that I am making progress on my strategic plan for my new venture.  I am not quite ready to share, but I am enjoying the fact that I am slowly making progress outside my head as well as inside. :D  I seem to have a slight A.D.D. issue.  I am blessed with unlimited ideas and a lot of passion for whatever it is I embark on.  I guess getting all ideas, thoughts and plans organized is key to success.  For now, this is what my plan looks like.....

I guess I'm at that point in life after my kids are grown up that I am now responsible for me, myself and I. It's not a bad thing, but for some of us moms who have identified with themselves as the nurturing, supportive, mentoring Super Mom mentality, it's easy to find yourself at a fork in the road..... 

I find myself questioning who I am a lot lately.  As I have said, my favorite job and responsibility in the world has been "Mommy"....I think it always will be.  In my life, I have been the Monogram lady, the Network lady, the Foundation Lady, the Bridal Show lady....along with other titles, like wife, daughter, sister, friend, mentor and more.... Most women are nurturers at the core of who they are.  A lot of us forget to nurture and care for ourselves, so finding ourselves at over 50 and uncertain is more than common for many women and men alike.

I think the best thing I can do at this point is reach out to people I know who can relate and help each other through the tough times.  It is different for all of us.  I am truly blessed to have my husband by my side though all the uncertainty.  In my mind, we are separated and have been for at least 3 years now.  He is a good man, who most definitely signed up for the long haul.....something a lot of men don't.  It tears at me, all that I have put him though this past year.  He does not deserve it.  I have seen people leave for less.  I know many couples, after the kids leave, find they have little or nothing in common.  They stay together for the sake of the kids, but are unhappy.  I don't want to make any waves or create any hard feelings or uncertainty for my kids or my family...but sometimes, it helps to step away for a little while.  Sometimes allowing a change in family dynamics is necessary to make things better for all.  I'm still undecided on what to do, but I'm glad to know he stands by me, no matter what, even if just as my very best friend.  I do love, appreciate and respect him very much.  Let's see what life unfolds as I continue to learn more about myself.  For now, I will say, I'm very excited about my new venture.  Stay tuned.....  and as always....Make it a GREAT day, life, adventure....or whatever it is you are focused on for now.  HUGE HUGS

Saturday, July 25, 2015

This is my personal blog

Hi there! My name is Cindy Ann (aka Cynthia Ann).  I am an event producer with a passion for marketing and promoting.  My latest venture is connecting wedding vendors with future brides through events.  This is my personal blog.  I live in Round Rock, Texas, have a wonderful, supporting husband, Carlos, two grown children, Kathleen Kenyon and Michael Martinez, a beautiful grandbaby, Kenzi Scarlett Kenyon and a forever loyal pet, Ninja and her partner in crime is Remi.  I am grateful to my parents and family who have taught me so much and are always there for me, like only family is.  I am hearing-impaired, but that has never stopped me from doing anything or accomplishing what I desired.  I am a firm believer that anything is possible if you put forth the effort.  Whatever I choose to embark in, I do so with all of me.  I am goal and detail oriented and once I embark on a project, see it through to the end.  I love taking chances and learning. I have learned to be the best I can possibly be for me, before trying to do for others. I have also learned that we are all driven by some belief or passion.

I believe in dreams and I believe in love.  Love makes the word go round. For those of you who have found it, hold onto it.  I guess this is also why I enjoy planning wedding events as it is all about love and sharing and helping make possible many happily ever afters.

A little something you should know about me, I am very loyal. I give of myself completely to my friends and family.  I recently engaged in a relationship that taught me all about taking a leap of faith and giving all of yourself to what you believe in, despite circumstances.  I learned that love is a two way street and is based on trust, respect and communication. 

My greatest accomplishment is my kids, whom I love with all my heart....till the end of time.  A mother's love is forever and unconditional.  It is bonding like no other love.

My favorite thing to do is make people happy.  I love networking and meeting new people and businesses and I love helping others succeed.  If I can make one difference to improve a person's life or business, it makes my day.  I have many friends and colleagues who all have touched my life in a most incredible way to get me where I am right now. 

I found myself a little lost this past year, but I am back....with a passion.  Life after 50 is not what I envisioned, but I am going to make it what I want it to be.  I'd like to age gracefully and keep the young at heart mentality.  I look forward to sharing my story and what I learn about life, weddings, and marketing.  This blog will include everything about me and my wonderful journey in life....good and bad.  It will include the ups and downs as they take place and will include some about my past to help you understand how I got to where I am.  I hope you enjoy what I have to share.  If you have anything you'd like to share, or if you'd like to meet, chat or communicate in any way, just reach out.  I am here to help in any way possible.  Make it a GREAT life.  HUGS

Cindy Ann

Getting Reconnected

Hello!  Well, it's been a while since I post in my blog. A lot has happened in my life since my last post and there are many drafts in m...