Saturday, June 26, 2021

Getting Reconnected

Hello!  Well, it's been a while since I post in my blog. A lot has happened in my life since my last post and there are many drafts in my folder of  thoughts and epiphanies I added in to share later.  I'll share them in the next few months, mostly because emotions felt at the time are no longer there so I need to rewrite some of them.

This is me now. So, I feel like I've been hibernating, like so many who stayed home during the Pandemic. Let's not forget the snowpocalypse earlier this year.  I'll call up some images and videos to share of some of this time period.  To say it's been CRAZY is an understatement. 

I think the world is slowly coming out and life is becoming more normal.  For me, it seems I let everything go, work, fitness, business plans, relationships, event planning....  I simply existed.  But you know what, life goes on, whether you are living it or not. So, why not choose the latter?  Time is precious and once gone, we can't get it back.  Let's make it a point to truly LIVE!  

Well, before all the bad stuff happened in what seems like a very long time, I used to "burn the candle at both ends" as one of my dearly departed friends once noticed.  It looks like I'm back.... as it is now 2:43 a.m. and my mind is racing with all the ideas and things I need to do.  My grandbabies, who are now 4 and 7 will be in town for a little while, so I'm too excited to sleep.  I treasure each moment I can get with them as they are growing up quick and changing every time I see them.

As we get into the second half of 2021, I'm working on my List of things to do.....and yes, it's LONG! I'm awake and ready to re-engage, re-connect, and re-build.  My take on life is to do what makes you happy, but "Be Strategic"  You don't have to do only one thing, especially if you are as passionate as me.  

Included in this list:

1.  Travel - I plan to travel to Paris in December and stay a month.  It's something I've been wanting to do and it's for me. I know it will be an experience. 

2.  I've found a home for Once Upon a Wedding Expo at the beautiful Kalahari Resort and Spa.  Stay tuned as planning unfolds.  Save the Date - November 7th.  I'm too excited about this.

3. B3 Network resumes in August.  Time to reconnect and rebuild all those business relationships.

4. I'm going back to school, yes, to major in Fashion Design and Marketing, something I am very passionate about.  Never stop learning.

5. Quality Promotions is being revamped as a Promotional Marketing and Event business.  I'll still do embroidery and screenprinting, but my focus is more marketing solutions through events.

6. CCandids Photography aka Cindy Ann Photography is undergoing formal training to be the best possible at capturing moments. 

We all have our pasts and what makes us who we are.  We also have our goals and ambitions. I'm dreaming big and taking risks and leaps and bounds because anything is possible if you believe. Need help getting motivated?  Drop me a line.  Be safe and get moving!

Huge Hugs
Cindy Ann

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Keep Livin'

Image may contain: Cindy Ann, selfie and closeup

Keep Livin'
Happy new month! March, for me was endings and facing new beginnings. I feel like I've been asleep with my life being on hold for a very long time. Despite all the chaos going on in our lives these days, and there's a lot of chaos in my life these days. I'm ready to reemerge and choosing to stay positive. There have been epidemics, pandemics and other hard times in the world before and we always bounce back. I'm trying my best to stay positive and optimistic. I wake up early, about 4 a.m. every day and work first on my mindset focusing on positive thoughts.  I also acknowledge and appreciate the things I am blessed with, such as my health, family and opportunity to change what I can and accept what I cannot.

I'll have to admit, the mandatory social isolation has pros and cons. I enjoy seeing people walking their dogs or with their kids, and kids playing outside without devices or video games. It is nice! Like many people I see out in the neighborhood, I take many walks with my 13 year old dog, Ninja,  to keep myself centered and de-stressed. Walking alone enables me to think and reflect. I've learned to enjoy my alone time, but walking with a family member or pet is also enjoyable. You can learn and share so much if you walk 2 to 4 miles a day, which is what I average. I'm learning to listen better, getting sunshine, enjoying nature and staying healthy.

I realize the a lot of issues are due to the Coronavirus.  It feels like a third world country at times.  For the first time since I was a kid, I find myself trying to ration food and worrying about things I took for granted like grocery shopping and being able to feed my dogs. I know everyone is being affected by this pandemic, but while it's here, sometimes there is hopelessness. Stay informed on what is happening. Here's the latest from CNN.  ttps://

I'd like to remind everyone that though things are not as good as they usually are for many, keep in mind that there is always someone in a worse situation.  If you can help others and make a difference, do what you can. Remember to be kind. Take care and be safe by taking all precautions. Keep Livin' Ya'll. Hugs

Cindy Ann

#staypositive  #besafe #keepliving #help #positivevibes #hugs #cindyannselffie #walks #active #fitness #lifestyleblogger #centered #give #healthylifestyle #takecareofyourself #goodbyeMarch #helloApril #newmonth #action #metime #happiness #organization 

Monday, February 18, 2019

10 Tips for GREAT Headshots!

Hi, I'm Cindy Ann and I LOVE capturing GREAT images with a passion.  I'd love to help you with your portraiture needs.  I'd like to share a few things from a photographer's standpoint.   Selecting the right team can make the difference in your outcome.  I'd like to share a few tips for you that will help as you schedule your next session.  No matter what, relax and enjoy yourself.  The outcome will be much better.  Here are simple things you can do. 

1. Get acquainted with your photographer

Take some time before your session to know a bit about your photographer and share the style of shot you are looking for.  Is it for work or business?  You can either talk on the phone, chat, or better, meet face to face.  I personally like meeting people face to face.  It's important that your photographer knows a bit about you and what you are looking for and you both know what to expect from your session.  The best ice breaker is talking about your loved ones, kids, significant other or passion.  I noticed that my clients take a little while to relax into their sessions.  The best poses are towards the end of the session. :)

2. Determine type of images you want

Be sure to share your profession to determine the look you need captured.  Professional, Relaxed, Confident, Sexy, or Funny are a few looks.  Each require different poses or expressions that your photographer needs to create.  

3. Selecting your photographer 

Before scheduling your session, take some time to review your photography team's work.  Most photographers have a portfolio.  Do they have a hair and makeup team?  Do they have a studio?  Have they scouted area you will be having your session?  Are they easily available for questions before the session?  My information is listed at the bottom. :)

4. Recommended clothing and colors

Bring several top and a jacket or blazer is recommended for a more professional image and enable you to get different looks by simply removing or draping over.  Women look best in sleevless shirts with a jacket.  V-necks tend to make your face look slimmer.  If you are looking for a more formal look, be sure your clothes is pressed and neat, even if you need to clip it back for the right right look.  Bring several pieces like, jewelry, scarves or hairpieces to interchange for different looks depending on how long your session is.  Come prepared.  Be on time.  If you need to change outfits, be sure you know where that will take place and keep in line with the agreed session.  Simple changes of hair style can change the look completely as well as adding or removing accessories.
See recommended colors and some examples of apparel choices include:  
Image result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshots
Image result for women's professional headshots Image result for women's professional headshots

5. Recommended colors

Solid, neutral colors work best to ensure your face is the focus.  For professional headshots, avoid busy colors,  Solid colors work best.  

Color chart for selecting clothes for headshots       Image result for women's professional headshots

6. Lighting , Posing and Positioning

Whether in a studio or outdoors, be sure not to stand too close to your background to avoid unnecessary shadows.  These make your image look less professional.  For environmental or outdoor headshots taken on location, see if your photographer can implement bokeh setting, which creates a nice undescript background, especially when shot at a wide aperture. Typically I aim for an aperture of f/4 for environmental and natural light sessions, and f/8 for studio style sessions with lights.  Below are a few poses you can try.  You might want to practice in front of a mirror to find your best pose.  Some people prefer to sit.  Most photographers carry a stool or can find a sitting area in the shoot range.  Subtle changes in tilt or angel of your face can make a big difference on a good shot and a fabulous shot.  Know your angle.  Most photographers will assist you, but it helps to know your best side. :)

Image result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshotsImage result for women's professional headshots

7. Hair and Makeup

Grooming and hair and makeup. For best results, get your hair and makeup professional done.  If doing yourself, don't overdo.  If doing yourself, be sure there is an hair and makeup professional available to provide touchups.  Powder works great to avoid any shiny spots. Most photographers who do not have a hair and makeup team will be able to provide recommendations to have it professionally done. Ask if you need help.

8. Session Time and Location

Be aware of the time of day you are shooting.  For best lighting, golden hour in the morning or evening are the best, but with proper lighting and editing, you can still get great images.  The best images are captured in a two hour window.  Quick or impromptu headshots can be great if you have an idea what you are doing and expecting.  Be sure your photographer has scouted areas for your session.

9. Expectations

Each package provides for specified prints, sittings, etc.  Know what is expected of you and what to expect from your photographer.  Most images take 2 to 4 weeks to edit and turn out depending on the number of participants.  Know when to expect images and what you will be getting.  If it is a TFP (Trade for Portfolio)  you may be have a limited selection of images.  Most packages have A la Carte where you can purchase additional images outside agreed package.  Be sure to sign a release of images so that your images can or cannot be shared publicly.

10.  Have Fun!

Don't be nervous.  Enjoy your shoot.  The easiest way to break the ice is to share something funny or silly as the photographer makes adjustment to the camera.  Silly faces will get you both laughing and relaxed and set the tone for a GREAT shoot.  Don't be afraid to speak up and share what you want.  It's no different than ordering an entree.  Ask for exactly what you want. :)

I hope these tips help lead to a better headshot experience.  If you have any questions, peasel dont hesitate to call on me.  512-576-3990 or email

Cindy Ann, Photographer
C Candids Photography

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Happy New Year!

Image result for goodbye 2018

Happy New Year!  I hope you had a most wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas with family, friends and loved ones.  I hope the memories you made in 2018 were captured and memorable.

For those of you missing a loved one, I pray you're okay and healthy and that your special someone is in a good place, free of pain and worry and that you find peace.  If separated by distance, I hope you are at least able to video chat often.

I do try to follow everyone's posts, but I think we spend so much time on the internet instead of meeting in person.

As I sit here early in the morning on the first day of the new year, I look back and remember all the memories and milestones reached.  As always, it's been quite a year.  This  year we lost the most family, which has left a huge hole in our hearts.  The harsh truth I've come to accept is that 'Life goes on."  Time does not stop for anyone.  

Friday, April 27, 2018

Good morning! There are so many things happening in my life very quickly and development is both scary and exciting. For those of you who know me, you know I'm a strong believer in relationships, loyalty and hard work. With all the changes taking place in my life, I need to modify some things to implement new things. Everything is a work in progress. As you know, I produce an annual bridal expo, Once Upon a Wedding Expo an Bridal Show. This year will be my sixth one. I've been blessed with a supportive family, great friends, colleagues and lessons. My goal is to add more events. I've been invited to do events in other cities and states, but wish to improve the one I do here before adding more. I have learned so much and never cease to continue learning and improving. I just wanted to share a bit about changes taking place in my groups. Currently, I'm working on developing a team I can trust and work with. My "Team" will be part of future events to include weddings, benefits, fashion shows, bridal shows and wedding productions. This team will consist of people I have a personal relationship with and trust and I look forward to collaborating on events, projects and marketing initiatives.

My Ever After Events Group is my personal Team and will be comprised of wedding and event vendors I work closely with. If you are deleted, please do not take it personal. If you wish to be part of my personal planning team, let's discuss. This group will be changed to private. You can email me at I am
looking for businesses who understand the importance of relationships, networking, being a team player, and the Givers Gain Philosophy. This team and network will follow general BNI practices. If you are ready to grow your business, join me. Let's grow together. Invest in me and I will invest in you. I'm planning a quick meeting in the next couple of weeks to share detailed updates and get better acquainted.

For those of you who are not part of this team, please join my Wedding Vendor Network, comprised of all wedding and event vendors I have met at bridal shows, open houses or by referrals. You are welcomed to share about your business, special offers for future brides and event announcements. Please note, the network is only for wedding and event professionals.

Upcoming evens:

Once Upon a Wedding Expo and Bridal Show
Save the date - November 11, 2018.

Registration is now open. Reserve your booth now.
Currently looking for the following team members. I need responsible, reliable self starters. Some of these are paid positions and some are bartered.
  • Show manager to handle the fashion show and assist with model call
  • Media Manager to handle photographers and model / show photography
  • Social Media Manager - to handle social media team / scheduling
  • Sales Reps - for expo booth sales and advertising sales
  • Interns - to handle various event responsibilities. some of this can be paid.
  • DJ - Emcee - to provide show music and emcee fashion show(s)
  • Photographers - to capture event and fashion show and models
  • Videographer - to capture event and show
  • Rental Company to provide pipe and drape and stage decor.
Submit resume and salary requirements to Thank you!

Getting Reconnected

Hello!  Well, it's been a while since I post in my blog. A lot has happened in my life since my last post and there are many drafts in m...